I'm Kashish; Apart from being nerd and a book worm I love to enjoy the time by pursuing hobbies as a part time job. You won't regret seeing my part time work by scrolling down on my favourites section. Currently pursuing Bachelors Degree in Information Technology at Charusat University. If you are still here that means you want to learn more about my full time skills also. No worries, scroll a little you'll get that too. Oh! God you are still reading. Cool, welcome to my porfile; I design and code beautifully simple things, and I love what I do!
An amazing experience with full of learning and fun with best of the brains of Aimbys Solutions.
E-commerce platform for Pet Couch Surfing and Created using HTML5, CSS & JavaScripting
Unity created application heplful for children to learn in different 3D spaces. Main Field of scope: Education Field
B.Tech in Information Technology
77 PR
98 PR
I like to code things from scratch and enjoy bringing ideas to life in browser.
Love to design simple but thoughtful stuctures used for convincing customers.
Learning this new field as I grow old!
As per saying goes that still water holds all the mystery in world , I'm sure I can be that mystery!
Coronavirus or COVID-19 where nature strikes back!We all have read about it, heard about it, the people sitting next to you are presumably having a conversation about it. This COVID-19 lockdown in India has shown us how fast nature gives us back our clean air. It is for us to seize this opportunity to keep our lungs clean and safe for the future.
What do you see the first most? The tall building or the mismatch structure of art by an renowned architecture or maybe the bridge may intrigue you. Some wild guesser thoughts can be yellow river of water ruining. We all have contrasting ideas related to just one picture. Let me simplify it for you that this place which have earned....
“But every human brain is born not as a blank tablet, waiting to be filled in by experience but, as an exposed negative waiting to be shipped into developer fluid!”
I would like to tell all of you about some of the glimpses of my own creations which in layman’s words is known as dream. The most important thing in my life is to never stop dreaming. Virtuality....